Nice meeting you!

Since you made it to this page, that usually means one of three things:


You meant to click “Weddings” but the mouse slipped and you accidentally ended up here.


You’re really interested in our company and you’re here to learn more about us (you’re our favourite and we love you ❤️).


You’re a fellow videographer or agency checking out the competition (we see you 👀).

Regardless of why you’re here, we’re excited to tell you a bit more about us!

Meet our founder

To produce award winning creative content that feels more like entertainment than advertising EVERYTIME.  Skyrocketing brand awarness and sales for the best outdoor / adventure brands.

What we can do

Meet Lloyd, our feerless leader

Hey! My name is Lloyd Dorward and I’ve been behind the camera for about 5 years now, with 2022 being my 4th year filming weddings, and my 3rd year filming commercials.

My interest with videography started after picking up a camera on a road trip with my friends. Since then I’ve been slugging a camera around with me wherever I go.

I love the outdoors and will choose getting lost in the mountains over a day on the beach every time.

I’m also somewhat of an ice cream connoisseur 🧐 (book a call to ask me which ice cream is best 🍦).

Lloyd look out over a lake
Lloyd Dorward
Founder, Forward Films